Why are Wildlife “Snuff Films” Considered Entertainment in America?

Wisconsin Wildlife Ethic-Vote Our Wildlife

Today, I had intended to write a post about the exploitative “reality” television shows that are all over television, but someone beat me to it. Yesterday, while at my health club, one of the channels showed the former “History” channel broadcasting a show called “Swamp People.” I couldn’t hear the dialog of the program but for a solid hour the show showed a collection of cretins impaling alligators with massive hooks and executing them with rifle shots. The killings were followed by showing camo hat types with dubious forms of dental hygiene acting like they were badasses for shooting these hooked animals execution style. This occurred over and over throughout the hour and I was astounded that people would consider these wildlife snuff films to be “entertainment.” Somehow television programs showing cretins executing alligators and other wildlife life have become popular entertainment in the United States. What does this say…

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